In 1969 perhaps you lived in the house you live in today, or perhaps in a different one, or maybe you were not even born.
The fact is that in that year Arix thought for the first time about cleaning your home and taking care of it, and has never stopped since.
Arix is the most important Italian company in the domestic and professional cleaning sector, also present in the main foreign markets.
The PRO lines, specially designed for industry experts, are a guarantee of effectiveness and quality. Our research and development team works daily to create solutions that simplify and speed up professional cleaning.
Furthermore, Arix has always paid the utmost attention to the environment, constantly reducing CO2 emissions and producing lines of biodegradable and increasingly green products.
The PRO lines, specially designed for industry experts, are a guarantee of effectiveness and quality. Our research and development team works daily to create solutions that simplify and speed up professional cleaning.
Furthermore, Arix has always paid the utmost attention to the environment, constantly reducing CO2 emissions and producing lines of biodegradable and increasingly green products.
Dal 1969 Arix ha sempre mantenuto un impegno costante verso l’innovazione, la ricerca e lo sviluppo. Ha stretto partnership significative con fornitori qualificati e ha dedicato particolare attenzione al consumatore finale e al mercato. Grazie a questi segreti, Arix è cresciuta nel tempo e ha continuato a essere riconosciuta come “L’aiuto di casa” in ogni momento.
Arix Headquarter
Viadana, Italy
Historic Headquarter and productive unit. Area: 18.000 m² | 200 employees
Arix 2
Viadana, Italy
Hi-tech productive unit for plastic moulding and punching
Area: 10.000 m²
Arix Logistics Terminal
Dosolo, Italy
Logistic hub managed with a connected terminals network
Indoor area: 61.000 m²
Arix Polska Sp. z o.o.
Kleszczów, Polska
Productive and strategic unit for East European and overseas markets
Area: 18.000 m²
Arix Polska Sp. z o.o. Branch Żłobnica
Kleszczów, Złobnica, Polska
Productive and logistic unit
Area: 50.500 m²
Sponcel Sp. z o.o.
Kleszczòw, Bogumilòw, Polska
High-tech production center of cellulose blocks
Area: 7.500 m²
Arix Europe ltd
Milfield Wooler, UK
Commercial and logistic platform for Northern European markets
Area: 3.000 m²
Arix Shanghai
Shanghai, China
Productive and commercial unit for Far East market
Superficie totale: 1.700 m²